Merry Christmas Family,

The holiday season is upon us and this is probably one of the busiest time of the year for most people. It has been a year of amazing transitions and “mind blowing doors” for ministry. God has been opening great opportunities, orchestrating events and allowing these things to happen in order to increase my leadership capacity for ministry. The ministry Slingshots a teen after school drop in center ( that I formerly worked with is now going to be under the umbrella of Youth for Christ USA.
Starting next year, I will be leading this teen center on the Northside of Chicago, while continuing to host mentoring events on the southside of this beautiful city.

My home church on the north side of the city became part of a vibrant growing neighborhood church movement (the which retained me twice a month as one of their teaching pastors.

This will increase my ministry footprint and expand my influence in the Chicago land area. I also launched a website ( under a new ministry “Grace for Life” that will allow me to continue to travel and preach around the world.

I consider it a privilege to be promoted to Director of City Life for the city of Chicago and to serve as one of the teaching pastors at The Bridge community church.
I’m going to be spending the holidays with my immediate family, excluding my parents in Nigeria, right here in my home on the southside of Chicago! The capacity to be the host this year is not something that I take for granted. I want to fully enjoy this space that God has blessed me with.I am excited to share the space with my siblings for Christmas.

This Christmas my best attempt to being a perfect host I started to plan and make a lot of lists to ensure that everything for the holidays would be perfect. You can probably relate; guest lists, when everyone is arriving, grocery lists, gift lists… and more. I realized in all of my movement and list making that I was losing sight of the true meaning behind Christmas. More importantly than having the “perfect holiday” and getting everything on my list was actually the need to focus on the original guest list of Christmas day; Mary, Joseph, and Jesus!
Jesus is the reason for the season of course, but as I reflect I couldn’t help but feel there was a lot to learn from His mother Mary! What can we learn from her? She’s not Jesus-- however she has a lot of qualities that I admire! Mary was a young Jewish girl who probably couldn’t even read or write, but yet she was seen and valued by God. He knew her heart and chose her specifically to be the person that would bring our Savior into the world! When the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her of God’s plans she immediately said “I am you servant, let it be unto me”! Mary was a young Jewish girl that probably couldn’t read or write and yet, but her faith in God is unmatched! She reminds me of myself when I’i'm excited about what God is doing. Her response to the angel, “I am the Lord's servant let it be unto me”. Her willingness to let God hijack her life causes me to reflect. I'm sure she had dreams and plans, but allowed the Spirit of God to take her future reputation. The pregnancy was a scandal and disgrace in that society. A surprise pregnancy did not establish her reputation as Godly Jewish girl! She surrendered her personal life completely. Her response:

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.”
Luke 1:38
Wow!!! What a response!!! The word servant is a word for a slave, a female born slave. Mary was offering her life as a living sacrifice. There are not many of us that would’ve been so willing and unquestioning. She gave up the potential of her relationship with Joseph. Although we know how the story ends, Mary had no clue what consequences or further sacrifices would have to be made. She was excited about marriage, fully betrothed and then BOOM -- an angel comes! This could have been tragic to her dreams as i’m sure all Jewish girls looked forward to the seal of marriage. That was everything a woman desired in that culture but, she gives her body and allows it to be used to bring forth the line of David. How complicated, crisis inducing, and uncomfortable, however to Mary it was exciting.
Her reaction lets me know that she spent time in the Word of God.
“My soul magnifies the Lord he has looked upon the humble.” - Mary
Instead of being further consumed with lists and scheduled, I’ve begun to slow down and focus on Christmas story and all that can be gathered from every piece and character involved.You my dear friends have given me visible examples of the characteristics that Mary displayed. Thank you for your prayer support and your sacrificial financial support that has enabled me to serve Christ in this great country.

I always pray for you all every day. You have all been a gift all year long by being present in my life, and helping me sustain my ministry. I am so grateful to God for you. Merry Christmas!
Pastor James Owolabi