Dear Young and Gifted Leader,
I love leaders who lead themselves well.
I love leaders who lead their wives well.
I love leaders who are treasured by their children.
I love watching leaders interact with their wives and children.
I love healthy African-American families.
I love seeing married black people.
I love seeing married black Nigerian Pastors who are liked by their wives.
I love to see black minsters treasure their wives as Christ cherishes the Church
I hate it when women in my life feel disrespected by me.
This Saturday, I attended a great, one-day conference in Chicago (Leadership Edge). The speaker was the disciplined, soft-spoken global leader, Pastor Sam Adeyemi (he leads a church with a weekly attendance of 20,000 people in Nigeria). He was joined by his wise, gorgeous, capable and brilliant wife, Pastor Nike Adeyemi.
What brought joy to my heart was not so much the depth of wisdom that both speakers deposited into my mind, but the mutual respect and honor they they demonstrated publicly. I can't vouch for what happens behind closed doors in their home, but what I saw on stage was an intentional and spectacular Christ-honoring marriage. The synergy between them was remarkable! Both leaders were calm, cool, and collected as they shared their experiences about leadership and life. I was deeply impressed by Pastor Sam's profound affection for his wife. and she reciprocated with deep respect for him: She was late to a panel discussion, yet her husband let out no sneed, or “sarcastic” comments. Also, he listened when she spoke, and affirmed her thought process.

It is rare for me to see a high-profile and well accomplished Nigerian Pastor honor his wife as a leader. His love for her was deeply evident. He even redirected questions toward her and she gave insights that were both profound and profitable. I left the one-day conference asking God for a great marriage, such as what I experienced on the stage that day. And God told me through a sermon yesterday that I should begin to be intentional more so about becoming “the right” man. You will attract what you are.
Thank you Lord. Help me Lord! Continue to do small things in great ways! Help me be the right man Lord! Lord, I love you!
Your Favorite Youth Pastor on the Southside of Chicago,
Pastor James Owolabi