Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I want to use this opportunity to thank you all for being part of my life. The past six months has been a very difficult one for me, but also a blessing in disguise. During this time, God has really surprised me.
In February of this year, the young lady I had been courting for five months (I met her in October 2021) informed me that she was pregnant with another man's child. This broke my heart deeply and I refused to embark on my search for a godly wife.
However, in March of 2022, I was privileged to meet a young lady whom I proposed to in May.
By God’s good grace, we will be getting married this fall.
Our engagement video..
She is a lovely woman who loves Jesus deeply and desires to serve Christ with me. She's twenty-eight years young and sixteen years younger than I, but loves the Lord.
She is a fantastic young lady with a passion for ministry. She has some experience in youth ministry in a local church. She is also a college graduate from a Nigerian university. She is very passionate about reaching the next generation in Nigeria. I had the privilege of visiting her family; they all love me and I love some of them. But I am grateful that God has brought Olabisi and ITruth is, the pregnancy of my ex-fiance by another man was a heartbreaking experience. It made me very upset and depressed, but God encouraged me, especially through my sister, Flora. She has been a blessing to my life. She's one of my biggest cheerleaders in the world and as I write to you, I am grateful that God used her to encourage me during this very dark time of my life. I am very grateful for her.
Every summer, for the past 15 years, God has provided the doors to preach at Summer Camps to teenagers and children. Camp Awana in Wisconsin has given me the privilege of preaching annually at their camp while covering all of my traveling expenses. Preaching to young people is something the Lord has allowed me to do for the past twelve months in Nigeria and it has been awesome to see over two dozen teenagers give their lives to Jesus Christ. Over the past 24 months, we have witnessed over a hundred students give their lives to Jesus. This past week (June 20th -June 24th 2022), our ministry team has witnessed over fifty students’ response to the gospel at the camp.
God has given me a ferocious passion to continue His works in Nigeria as I return this August to continue our Nigeria for Jesus Campaign. We will be launching events and clubs at our church and local schools to reach young people. This past school year, we reached over 500 students in our community. Our Nigeria for Jesus campus outreach saw over 100 students attend each of the events we hosted. We provided over 100 students with school supplies. I am very grateful to God for what He did and for your willingness to support me while I was in Nigeria this past year.
Our small church is growing!!!! Since January of 2022, we have seen over a hundred students walk into our doors every Sunday.
We have also seen our Nigeria for Jesus campaign to high school students and middle school students from age thirteen to seventeen become tremendously great. We've made a big impact in the lives of students. We are excited and blessed to have a team of four paid adults to help us magnify Christ and proclaim Jesus as the only answer to our problems in Nigeria. Nigeria for Jesus is a campaign targeting students in Nigeria and to raise them up to be Christian leaders in Nigeria.
We have Nigeria for Jesus conferences, we have Nigeria for Jesus outreach monthly events and in the future, we want to launch Nigeria for Jesus clubs in public schools this fall.
These monthly clubs will be led by student leaders, to empower them to disciple their peers. Please, continue to pray that God will give us the resources to have more staff and continue His works. This will allow us to send three teams to three different schools at once. Every time we go to a school, we take school supplies, backpacks and snacks while providing transportation for our staff who would also take snacks with us. So, Precious Saints of God, continue to pray for us that this experience will go from strength to strength and yield good disciples. One of the schools we go to regularly is Adeniran Grammar School. If you follow me on Facebook, you will see this school always featured in our future. This school uniform is green and white.
God has allowed us to host monthly events in a local church that is next door to the school. So as a result, we have seen over a hundred students attend those events. We are praying for God to give us four people who'll adopt each school. We are really excited about the opportunity to serve Christ in this way. Please, continue to pray for us.
We are praying that God will allow us to take this message and serve other schools in Ogbomoso for His glory.
Our dream someday will be to take Nigeria for Jesus campus outreach team and be able to serve four schools every month. So, your prayers would be key for us in achieving this.
Bridge of Grace Baptist Church, the church I planted in September, is growing and we have an average attendance of thirty people every Sunday.
We also have weekly events every Sunday night to reach children and teenagers. On any given Sunday night during the school year, from September to June, we've had over fifty children from age six to ten. On Wednesday nights, we have an environment for middle school students from age eleven to fourteen. We currently have over forty students attending that event every week between September and June. On Friday nights, we have high school students, aged fifteen to eighteen, attending our events. So, all together, we have a total number of over hundred students attending Bridge of Grace Baptist Church whenever we have our yearly student events every September and June.
We are grateful to all of you for your support, prayers, investment and word of encouragement. We are grateful for telling your family and friends about the ministry, especially for your phone calls in Nigeria and your willingness to partner with us. We love you dearly.
Please, send your donations to us at the address below and we'll be glad to make sure you are part of what the Lord is doing in Nigeria through our ministry. Thank you for your kindness to me. In the memo: Nigeria for Jesus Campaign.
Please issue all checks to:
Missionary James Owolabi
Mail the check to:
Baptist World Outreach Ministries.
3102 Brainerd Rd,
Chattanooga, TN 37411,
Thank you again for your willingness to help me reach the next generation in Nigeria.
James Owolabi
Pastor, Educator and Evangelist.
It is a privilege to be a part of your life and an honor to serve Christ with you.
Thanks for your prayers and support.
Pastor James Owolabi.