Dear Colaboures in the Lord’s Vineyard,
Thank you for being a blessing to my ministry in Nigeria. It has not been easy relocating to Nigeria. Smooth seas don't make good sailors. No doubt, 2021 was a difficult year for but God has truly been faithful. Over the past 10 months, since the sudden and unexpected home-going of my father, I have seen God move in amazing ways and use us to change the hearts of young people in Ogbomosho.
We held a conference for preteens that challenged them to embrace the skill of setting goals and reaching their God-given potential. Each speaker at this event challenged the teenagers to discover their God-given plans for their lives and pursue it with discipline. Over 100 preteens attended this event. Students were challenged from the word of God to embrace a lifetime of discipline and hard work.
In September of this year, I started Bridge of Grace Baptist Church in Ogbomosho. Bridge of Grace is growing steadily, especially in our children’s Bible club and Wednesday night teen outreach sections.
I was privileged to preach at the Commerment services at the Bible College which was started by my father and currently under the leadership of my brother, Missionary Ezra Owolabi. Indeed, it was a bittersweet experience but God was glorified. During the program, I challenged the graduates of the Bible College to relentlessly pursue humility in every area of their lives.
Our outreach to public schools is being used by God reach the hearts of many teenagers. God has also opened the door to serve Christ at a local public school and to host one of their off campus Christian events. Last month, over 100 students voluntarily attended our outreach. It was a joy to be used by God to change lives, and your prayers and financial support are being used by God to change lives.
Our church needs a bus.
We already have $1000.00 for the bus and we need extra $5000.00 to be able to get the project done. Please pray that God would supply the resources to purchase this bus. I love you and pray for each of you.
Missionary James Owolabi