A week ago I had the honor and privilege of preaching at North Mason Bible Church. Every time I get invited to preach it is always a special experience, however this particular trip really made me reflective and thankful to God as I transition this year into a new ministry as a “traveling preacher”. By the end of 2019 alone I will have been in over 25 different venues and spoken to over 5,000 people.
North Mason Bible Church of Belfair Washington (NMBC) has been sowing seeds into my life since I started Seminary in 2002. When I became a part of the ministry I was young, prideful, immature, and totally clueless about God’s calling on my life. Full time ministry was something I knew I wanted to do, but I felt so unsure of how, when AND IF that desire would ever become something in real life. Pastor Jim, the church family and his wife Carrie were put in my life by God to disciple me, mold me and teach me what I needed to know.
For TEN years they mentored me, loved me and cared deeply for me and I would not be the man I am without them. My parents taught me in Nigeria about Jesus and led to the beginning of my walk with God then the Lord orchestrated everything in a way that Pastor Jim, committed members of the church and Carrie his wife could further cultivate and nourish my feelings towards the Lord
The congregation at NMBC as a whole was incredible. The church community surrounded me with kindness and displayed to me genuine faithfulness to serving God and good stewardship. The members were mostly retired or blue collar workers that had thriving family lives and incredible wisdom. The multi generational community of men and women who were diverse in politics, childhood experiences and life seasons all moved as a unit when they worshipped God. They adopted me as one of their own to the point that I had moments where I forgot I was an immigrant from West Africa. They believed in me for ten years more than I believed in myself and their encouragement was vital to nourishing my young restless heart. The gifts, words of encouragement, and love from that time are still fueling me today.
Pastor Jim affirmed me privately and called me a catalyst for evangelism and always validated me by telling me that God had exceeded his expectations with my coming. Anyone who knows my immense struggle with speaking insecurity, depression as a teen, seasons of insomnia, and lifelong dyslexia disabilities could imagine what a 22 year old James was like to work with …. YIKES. However, Pastor Jim saw something deep inside of me that I could not see despite the deep insecurities, impulsive actions, reckless ideas, and outward flaws.
Through God’s grace the church allowed me to grow and learn as a young bible teacher by encouraging me to be disciplined in every area of my life. My fellow youth leaders were extremely patient even when I was insensitive and stubborn (which was often). They would pick me up each time I fell flat and I appreciate that so much when I look back. I spent 10 years there as a youth Pastor and grew so close to Pastor Jim even with our contrasting personalities. He had an open door policy with me where I could always come to him with ideas and problems at any time! Trust me I took full advantage of that access and with each visit he would fill my empty cup with improvements and practical action steps that I could use to move forward. He calmed me, evaluated my sermons and challenged me to be great.
My budget for the youth was over $10,000 per year and this church paid me better than anyone since, I had health benefits, they allowed me to travel for speaking opportunities and paid me full time. I did not know how AMAZING I had life at the time and I wish I could go back and be more grateful. That unconditional love and nurturing is the main reason I can stick it out in Chicago during tough days. That season trained me in being diligent.
God allowed me to grow a fruitful and lively youth there where we had 50+ students attending youth in a church of 160 members. It was my guinea pig ministry. Fast forward 20 years and I work with over 150 teens per week and have spoken to thousands across the nation. God used a little church with less than 200 ppl to equip me as a Bible teacher who travels the world. How great is our God!
I would be remiss to leave out this last crucial part that I hope many leaders will take note of and apply with the young leaders around them. While I was at NMBC they affirmed me as a single man. They never made me feel like I couldn’t fulfil my calling without a wife. Years 30-35 while I was serving were difficult in the love life departments because I had many failed relationships and even a cancelled engagement that threatened to shake my confidence permanently. However, the community supported me as I dated with intention and never tried to force marriage on me. I look back with fond memories and such deep joy. My prayer is that in the next 20 years I can provide that same kind of encouragement for young gifted leaders who are asking God to open doors for them.
Pastor Jim if you are reading, this I love you. You and many other godly couples helped me become the man that I am. Additionally, to the wonderful men and women on my youth ministry team while I was there, thank you for putting up with me. I was young and stupid (which I did not realize then) please forgive me for all the hurt I was in the process. I am a better man for it today. I pray many blessings on you all.
James Owolabi
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